Many of us are familiar with HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) and CSS
(Cascading Style Sheets) as they are the core technologies used for Front End Web Development, one of it
is used to construct and layout the webpage, and another one is responsible for the styling, and
appearance of the webpage
The browser first layouts the structure of the page and then combines the CSS styles to the document.
But, ever wondered how does the browser come to know which styling is to be applied to which element in
external CSS? Here, CSS Selector plays the role.
CSS Selectors select the HTML element. and apply the set of CSS rules to the selected element.
The CSS Selectors are classified into five types.
Simple Selectors are the most basic type of selectors as it selects the HTML elements based on the type of element, id, and class.
Type Selector will select all the elements in the document
of the type mentioned.
A Class attribute applies the same set of CSS rules on
more than one element.
Class Selector will select all the elements which have a class attribute as the
mentioned class name.
It will select all the elements having class
name as
An Id attribute is assigned when the element is unique.
Id Selector will select the element which has an Id attribute as the mentioned
Id name.
eg. id="id-name"
will select the element having id as id-name.
Universal Selector selects all the elements of a document
or selects all the elements of type, class, or id mentioned.
Combinators combines the selectors by means of their relationship with each other
The Descendant Selector selects all the descendants of
the specified element.
eg. select all
elements which are present within a
element irrespective of its level within the
The Child Selector selects all child elements of a
specified type of a specified parent element.
eg. select all
elements which are directly connected to the
element within
Adjacent Sibling Selector is used to selecting a
specified element that appears right after the other specified element block.
eg. select a
element which appears right after a
General Sibling Selector is used to select all the
specified elements appearing after the other specified element block.
eg. eg. select all
elements appearing after the
The Pseudo Class defines a special state of the element. When the
state is achieved, CSS is applied.
Few of the most commonly used Pseudo Classes are:
Selector | Examples | Description |
:link | a :link | Used for anchor tags, it selects all the unvisited links in the document and applies CSS. |
:visited | a:visited | It'll select the link after it is visited once. |
:hover | button:hover | Selects the the element when the user hovers the mouse on it. |
:active | a:active | It selects the element after user clicks on it |
:root | :root | The root element represents the html element. :root selects the root element. |
The Pseudo Element selects a specific part of the content for styling.
The commonly used Pseudo elements are:
Selector | Examples | Description |
::after | div::after | Applies the CSSright after the specified element |
::before | div::before | Applies the CSS just before the specified element. |
::first-letter | p::first-letter | Selects the first word of the content in the specified element. |
::first-line | p::first-line | Selects the first line of the view of the content in the specified element. |
::marker | ::marker | Selects the markers of the list items.markers of the list items. |
::selections | p::selection | Selects the portion selected by the user. |
The Attribute Selector selects an HTML element having a specified
attribute or an attribute value.
The commonly used Attribute Selectors are:
Selector | Examples | Description |
[attribute] | [name] | Selects all elements having attribute 'name' |
[attribute=value] | [name="std"] | Selects all elements having attribute 'name' with value "std" |
[attribute~=value] | [name~="std"] | Selects the element who has attribute 'name' and contains the word 'std' in the attribute value. |
[attribute|="value"] | [name|="btn"] | Selects all the elements having attribute as 'name' with values starting with the word 'btn' |